Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Grid & Levels Clarification

As we discussed today in lab, this week's assignment is Grids & Levels. Use the appropriate sheets from the class drawings to get these dimensions (sheets A2.01 & A5.01 were used in lab) to accurately recreate the grids and levels.

As I mentioned in most of the labs, your goal at the end of the semester is to have a set of construction drawings that match the example set we're using in class. With that said, we will fix issues that we find as we go along. Erin M. gets the award for finding the first problem with our example set. If you'll notice, no dimension is shown between A-B grid lines (Another problem is that grid B isn't shown at all on the left side of the plans).

1.1 Gris Dimension Clarification
For this class, we will use the dimension that Acrobat gives when using the dimensioning tool, 11.67'.

Consult the sheets for other dimensions to complete this assignment. A few things to remember:

1. Numbered grids are vertical and go from 1 (left) to 10 (right)
2. Lettered grids are horizontal and go from A (top) to N (bottom)
3. There are a few quirky grid lines in each the horizontal and vertical directions (8.9 & 8.95 for example); these need to be shown.
4. You will need the heads (bubbles with the grid number/letter in them) shown at each end of the grid line (again, our drawings have an error here but you need to fix it).
5. These heads should align with each other.
6. Resolve any overlap of the heads using the add elbow tool that was shown in class.
7. Do #6 for each view/sheet that gets turned in during the semester (once its fixed in a view, you will not need to repeat it unless you change scales).
8. Reminder: you need to use the course template to create your sheets for all the assignments for the rest of the semester. This was sent out by Daniel and what you were suppose to edit for turning in your cartoon set (shown in class on Monday).
9. Next week staple the assignment coversheet, plan view that shows your grids, and an elevation view that shows your levels.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Assignment 1_ Cover Sheet (Cartoon Set)

The cover sheet for the first assignment has been uploaded to the Wiki Page and Dropbox folder. Let us know if you have any questions.


Friday, January 11, 2013


This blog is intended for students in the ARCH 3352 class to stay connected with us, since we only meet twice a week and there might be a lot of questions that might come up from Wednesday to Monday. One important part of this class is for you to ASK QUESTIONS! and this is an easy way to do so if we don't have time to answer them during class.