Saturday, February 16, 2013

Structural View Settings

I have gotten a few questions regarding the view parameters for my structural views. Here is what I have set on my project that I’ve shown in class.

I have two different structural views that I’ve been using so far this semester. One is a plan view and the other is a 3D view. For the plan view, I would suggest Duplicate with Detailing after right clicking on the view in the Project Browser. You can duplicate any level that you’d like; I chose to duplicate the Site view and then changed its scale to match the Level 1 view. For the 3D, Duplicate with Detailing the default 3D view.

After you’ve duplicated these views, give them a name that makes it easy for you to remember that they’re structural views.

Go to Visibility/Graphics (VG) and turn off everything that is not the floor or structural.

I changed the linetype of the slab edge (under the floor option) to the following

I changed the linetype of the structural foundations to the following

Lastly, I’ve made the floor transparent to make the footings easier to see. To easily do this, right click on the floor and select Override Graphics in View>By Element. In the menu that opens, change the transparency. My settings are shown here:

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