Monday, April 22, 2013

Door Legends

I had a number of questions this morning regarding the door legend that is to appear on the Door Schedule sheet. I briefly mentioned the process in lab a while back, but gauging from the amount of questions, I wanted to show you guys the easiest way to complete them.

Many people created a new elevation at each of the doors types and added those individual elevations to the sheet. This is a method of getting the information, but it makes the drawings more crowded, adds to things for you to keep up with, and can be completed in a much more simple way.

Make your Door Legend this way:
1. Right click on Legends in your Project Browser and select New Legend

2. Name and scale it appropriately
3. The blank screen that opens is now your Door Legend. This is an annotative view so things modeled here will not affect anything you’ve modeled to this point. Furthermore, you have some freedoms that do not exist in your model (doors don’t have to be hosted within walls). We are going to take advantage of these freedoms to create our Door Legend.
4. We first need to place all the doors you’ve used in the Door Legend. Do this by finding your doors in the Project Browser.:

5. Expand the doors that you’ve used in your project and drag/drop them onto the Door Legend the way that you’ve been adding views to your sheets:

6. When you place them on your Legend, they will likely come in as a Plan View. Change this in the ribbon by clicking on the drop down menu and change it from Floor Plan to Elevation: Front

7. Now click and place the door in the View. Do this to all the doors you’ve used for the project. Be sure to ONLY show the doors to in the project, not everything you’ve loaded.

8. Now dimension and annotate everything on these doors.

9. It’s important to add the A, B and C to each of your doors because will be referenced in your door schedule. Your Door Schedule should have a TYPE MARK column. The Type Mark is either an A, B, or C. Regardless of what letter/number is shown in your type mark column, change one instance of each door in your schedule to the appropriate letter. Revit will automatically re-label similar doors to have the correct Type Mark.

10. After you’ve added your doors, added annotations, and added dimensions then you simply need to drag/drop your Door Legend onto your door schedule sheet (and erase whatever elevation markers you made to try and propagate your Legend).